Field Notes with Poppy Delbridge

31st August 2024       5 minutes

Field Notes with Poppy Delbridge, Tapping Expert, Practitioner-Coach and Bestselling Author  

We are thrilled to sit down with Poppy Delbridge, a leading Tapping expert, practitioner-coach and bestselling author in the field of Energy Psychology. With a mission to help everyone unlock extraordinary potential and achieve rapid breakthroughs, Poppy is dedicated to making transformative energy techniques accessible to all. A former Warner Bros Executive in global entertainment, she now specialises in helping individuals reach their goals, while also nurturing a thriving Rapid Tapping® community and app. Through this work, Poppy is empowering people to live their best lives sooner than they ever imagined. Read our interview with Poppy below.

We are so inspired by your mission to help people access significant, speedy breakthroughs so they can live their best lives. Can you tell us more about your journey within the Energy Psychology field of ‘Tapping’ and ‘EFT’? What motivated you to pursue this path of therapy?

"My parents were actually early adopters of it - and my mum reintroduced me to it back in 2010 myself when I was going through a relationship crisis and subsequent burnout. It felt magical to me - I realised it was extremely effective to release stress and anxiety. I was using it alongside manifestation principles to create new beliefs and goals personally and in 2018 I decided to leave my role as a Warner Bros Executive. I then became an EFT Tapping coach helping women changemakers create the lives they wanted to live."

Tapping appears to be truly transformative as a holistic practice. Can you share a little bit about how Tapping and Energy Psychology can impact our overall well being? 

“Tapping is a mind-body technique in that it works in the same way that acupuncture does but instead of needles we use fingertips and we also add cognitive psychology with the way the mind processes emotion. It’s truly transformational for changing beliefs about ourselves and resetting ourselves for success and fulfilling lives. I use it with clients for trauma, PTSD, and all sorts of personal blocks, especially in love and money mindset. It is very rapid in terms of efficacy - it works extremely quickly as you are working with energetics, the nervous system and mindset to ‘unhook’ from the past in both a conscious and subconscious way. I developed Rapid Tapping because my specialism was with busy, high-flying women who needed a daily, consistent wellbeing practise that focussed on unlocking potential, energy and performance."

What are your future personal and professional aspirations? Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? 

“Now I am a fully fledged entrepreneur with my own app, Tapping Method and community, Rapid Tapping - so my focus is on helping people download my approach to energy techniques and Tapping with a low-cost app sharing small audios and videos to easily use the transformative power of Tapping. For my 1-2-1 work, I mainly support quite high profile people, CEOs and Celebrities - so this is my way, alongside my book, to educate and on a wider level.”

Could you walk us through your daily rituals? How do you feel rituals help or have helped you in your life?

“They are everything. Our brains need helpful information and guidance constantly. When our frequency drops, a routine can take us back into the feeling of personal power. I actually use AMLY as a way to connect with nature when I am busy flying to clients or speaking at events - I take the Digital Detox Face Mist with me.”

How do you connect with nature and how important do you feel it is for your overall well being?

“I try to hold my retreats and residencies at the most beautiful locations I can - and I involve Tapping Walks. I often use grounding and earthing techniques to centre myself if I’m busy. If I can’t get in nature I also use my imagination to connect on a visualisation level.”

Lastly, which are your favourite AMLY products and how do you include them in your everyday rituals?

“The Digital Detox Face Mist is incredible for awakening me during the day, or before a workshop session. It incorporates so well with the tapping and facial movements I use daily. And for years I have used the Deep Reveal Nourishing Cleansing Balm every single day as a cleanser - it is the best I’ve ever tried! I also use the Sleep Tight Balm in the evenings after a bath to make me wake up with a glow.”

Poppy's Favourites